
evening sky at Willow Oaks

GIVE me the splendid silent sun, with all his beams full-dazzling;

Give me juicy autumnal fruit, ripe and red from the orchard;

~Walt Whitman

Apples..and pumpkins…and craft tour oh my!

We are busily harvesting our apples, clearing out the last of the winter squash in the garden, and buttoning up our greenhouses after the first frosts of the season. And, preparing for the Valley Craft Network Studio Tour Celebrating the 42nd year!

The Middletown and Pleasant Valley areas are home to a wealth of professional artisans. Our tour is free and open to the public. The weekend before Thanksgiving, November 18 & 19th, 10am-5pm.

Willow Oaks is hosting two amazing artists this year. Contentment Turnings, wood turnings, Dave Swiger, And Focal Pointers, photographers Leigh Scott & Mark Cohen,