Country Pleasures Farm
fine local farm products
We are a productive, small, family farm located in the heart of the lovely Middletown Valley of Maryland. The farm is the state’s only certified organic orchard, with over 1800 apple, cherry, pear, peach, and apricot trees.
Other farm products include blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, and other small fruits, as well as beef, eggs, vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
35 years and counting
the 1st certified organic orchard in the east

strength and beauty in diversity
There are many reasons to grow food organically and more reasons to grow a diversity of crops. You know that noisy chorus of insects and birds that marks a summer day? Whereas conventional, mono-cropped farms are largely silent, a diverse organic farm provides habitat for songbirds and beneficial insects.
If there are trees for nests, flowers for nectar, seeds for food and clean water then the habitat a farm provides can flourish with life. Not every living thing is a welcome sight, apple pests like coddling moth or plum curculio are kept at bay with an organic barrier spray the little buggers find distasteful.
Growing a diversity of crops also helps protect a farm against economic losses. Each year conditions may be ideal for one crop yet less so for another.
If a late frost wipes out the apricots you’ll still have pears. Blueberries love lots of rain and apples are less than thrilled.
We work hard at Country Pleasures Farm to be careful stewards of the land, and we believe in preserving the viability of the small family farm. The farm hosts a small herd of Angus and Belted Galloway beef cattle in addition to cherries, berries, heritage varieties of apples, asian pears, vegetables, herbs and flowers.

The Orchard
a brief history
Eric Rice planted the first apples on the slopes of the cornfields at Country Pleasures Farm 30 years ago. Blueberries, black currants, tart cherries, pears followed. Stretching those first spindly roots into the soil here was no easy task. There were no certified organic farms in Maryland, nor any certified orchards in the Mid-Atlantic. Eric planted the orchard, grew the farm and helped grow the Maryland organic program.
When Eric first inquired about making hard cider on the farm there was no infrastructure to support it. Cider was not wine or beer, there was no way to license us. Thanks to the hard work of the Maryland Wineries Association there is a vibrant and growing community for us.
the list
We have had many requests over the years for a list of the kinds of apples we grow. When asked a random cluster come to mind. Maybe not so random, I probably list my favorites. Eric finally sat down and compiled The List:
Traditional American cider apples
Black Twig
Albemarle Pippin
Northern Spy/Criterion
Golden Russet
Roxbury Russet
Ozark Gold
Hewes Crab
New Apples
William’s Pride
Red Stoke
French cidre apples
Médaille d’Or

Plants & Produce
available at the farm
Below are some of the plants, produce and other products available at Country Pleasures Farm.
Order Ahead for Curbside pick-up anytime! If you’re local just send us a note and we’ll be happy to drop your order by.
- Lilac plant
- Forsythia plant
- Fig plant
- Ever-bearing strawberry plant
- Berries (in season)
- Blueberries (in season)
- Jams made from our fruit
- Farm-fresh eggs
- Fire, Arugula and Herb Culinary Salts
- Sweet, adorable four-legged friends not for sale

Pasture-Raised Beef
free range and beautiful belted galloways
- Come see our “oreo cookie” cows!
- Come see our “oreo cookie” cows!
current beef prices
Support small farms by sourcing locally, ethically and sustainably raised beef. In addition to the information below, Visit Us or Contact Us to see what’s available today. PLEASE NOTE: An Updated list is coming soon. Contact us for current pricing. For a readable PDF of this price list, click on the image below.